
6 Top Tips to Help You Keep Your Kids’ Attention During Video Calls

Given recent social restrictions, the way we socialise and bond has changed significantly. While we would love to gather together in person, we now often have to catch up through video calls.  … Read More

girl in red dress playing a wooden blocks

In A Virtual Play Date Slump? Check Out These Great Ideas for Video Play Dates

As lockdowns continue and parents practice social distancing in order to stay safe, video play dates are once again on the rise. While virtual playdates cannot replace in-person interaction, they can be a great way for your children to see … Read MoreRead More

Raising avid readers: the top 3 ways to instil a love of reading in your child

In a world where “stories” are created, viewed and discarded in a matter of twenty-four hours, it can feel more difficult than ever to raise children who love to read. Indeed, it is every parent’s dream to raise avid readers. Not … Read MoreRead More